Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Walking up the tree-shrouded driveway is like entering a cool tunnel of green leafiness and then at the end is an intricately-detailed Victorian home that looks as if time itself forgot it in it's place. The lush landscape surrounding it is like a wild garden paradise, with an array of vines and blooms tumbling over each other and embracing the house.

Several green houses are located behind the house and shop itself, housing an array of different types of gardens. An herb and vegetable garden, an exotic garden, as well as a poison garden. Like magic, a glint of sunlight flashing off of a bit of glass reveals them to notice, materializing right before our eyes from their hiding places behind the mounds of leafy vines which blanketed them.

Attached to the house is the Apothecary shop. Staircases leading down into a cooler area where the various tonics and creams, medicines, and ointments are stored for sale. Ana's apothecary looked like a fairytale shop. Housing several bottles along the walls and in cabinets or cases. She sells anything from Shampoos and scented oils to tonics and creams for heath problems.

This shop is connected directly to her home, so that some of the Apothecary's services are rendered in the lower level of the house itself, such as aromatherapy massage and acupuncture as well as physical therapy sessions.